At Mountain West Wellness Acupuncture we take great pride in our community spirit and belief that being part of a community is a privilege. In return for belonging, we believe that it requires we actively participate. Coupled with this belief is our deep compassion for the struggles people have to undergo and our strong desire to see that everyone has the chance to lead healthy and productive lives.
We not only practice these beliefs internally when treating our patients in the clinic, but we take this same passion “into the streets” of our community. Over the past 14 years we have made it a priority to give as much as we can to those organizations in need by sponsoring various fundraisers and charitable events.
A partial list of some of the organizations we have had the pleasure of partnering with include: Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence, Rocky Mountain Cancer Assistance, Community Food Share, Emergency Family Assistance Association, Locks of Love, Toys for Tots and the Humane Society of Boulder Valley.
Additionally, Jack believes in a multi-faceted approach to community service that includes sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience by donating time to educating the public on the benefits of Chinese medicine and Acupuncture. Giving educational lectures on health related topics is major component of our community involvement with topics as diverse as the Five Secrets to Treating Diabetes, Natural Solutions to Headache Pain, Understanding Fibromyalgia, and Diet & Lifestyle According to Chinese medicine among many others.
Keep your eye on the calendar for upcoming fundraising or charitable events.