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Mountain West Wellness Health Tips, Issue #049
September 01, 2017

Hello everyone! Here we are, September already!! I means that autumn is about to show up and with it comes a lot of change. Help yourself to transition into Autumn by eating seasonal foods like melon, pears, apples, peaches, sweet potato, squash, etc. Start to cook more and eat less raw. Get lots of exercise and let yourself sleep just a little longer than you did in the summer. We have a few other things we want to mention in this newsletter below. Hope you enjoy it.

New Clinic Phone Number - 303-499-1633

For years we have had multiple phone numbers here in the office. As of October we streamlining our phone system to just one number. So grab a pen and take note, the number that we are using now is 303-499-1633.

Additionally, we are also now using a 24 hour answering service. The goal with this is to give YOU better service. By using this service when we can't answer the phone we will get better quality messages much faster. That way you don't have to wait as long for a return call.

Again, take note, the new number is 303-499-1633

Jack is Heading to China!

Jack is heading to China again for the first two weeks of September to continue his advanced studies. Don't worry, he will be back in the office on September 18.

Why does he do this?

The answer is pretty simple, Jack is obsessed with learning and being as great as he can be at providing care. Even though he has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese medicine for over 17 years he never gets complacent. So, over his professional career he has headed to China to find senior practitioners to work with on a regular basis. This makes his 12th trip! He consults with these highly skilled and experienced doctors to learn more to help you. He also consults on his difficult cases to get advice on ways to make faster progress.

Now, though he will be in China starting on the 3rd of September, the office is open and should you need anything you can call or email us. Just a reminder, the phone number is 303-499-1633 and the email is Jack will be able to follow up and answer any questions or potential needs.

If you need to reschedule or to schedule please let us know!

He will be back with pictures and stories!

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Stay Healthy!

Jack, Kim, Erin, Jonathan, and Lynn

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