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Mountain West Wellness Health Tips, Issue #034 November 16, 2015 |
Hi It’s holiday time and at Mountain West Wellness we like to celebrate this time of giving by sponsoring our annual toy drive. This will be our 7th year of participating in the Share-A-Gift Toy Drive which provides toys for low income children. Operating since 1972, this collection project serves over 600 families and approximately 2,000 children each year. 2. In exchange for your toy donation we will give you gifts cards to be used by anyone who is new to our clinic. You will receive one gift card per toy that you bring in. The gift card is valued at $100 and can be used to cover a first acupuncture treatment. The gift card will include a letter explaining it. Next time you come in please bring the toys and the names and addresses of who you would like the gift cards to go to. You can also just drop them by during our regular
business hours. 5 Steps to Improve DiabetesThere are about 29 million people in the United States who suffer from type 2 diabetes, an illness that is becoming increasingly common and is also highly preventable. With lifestyle changes, diabetes can be managed and prevented.Aim for a healthy weight When you have extra weight, this can cause an increase in blood sugar. Maintaining a healthy weight can keep your blood sugar at more normal levels and better overall health. Exercise Exercise is very important when it comes to managing or preventing type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise can help lower weight, lower stress levels, blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride. Even just by adding in walks into your day can make a difference. Aim for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least four times a week. Diet Having a healthy diet is a lifestyle change, and that can be hard for people. Keep carbs in check, they
tend to affect your blood sugar the most. Know how many carbohydrates are in the food you’re eating to keep them at the level you need to be for managing your blood sugar. Avoid processed sugar. Sugar in the form of sucrose or high fructose corn syrup can spike blood sugar rapidly. For people with diabetes, it is especially dangerous. Be on top of your schedule Diabetes requires an everyday awareness as well as a schedule when it comes to medication and insulin. If you have trouble remembering to take your medication or test yourself regularly, try setting reminders on your phone or keep a calendar near by. Consistency can make all the difference. Try acupuncture Neuropathy is one result of diabetes, acupuncture can help reduce this nerve pain by boosting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain reliever. Acupuncture has almost no side effects and is a great complementary option to reducing chronic pain. Tips to Stay Smoke FreeSo you’ve quit smoking, or maybe you’re trying and not sure how long you will last. Either way, quitting is not easy, and staying smoke-free in the long term is even harder. You may have periods of time when you’re feeling confident and a cigarette is the last thing on your mind, or you may all of a sudden have intense cravings. Below are some ways to help keep you smoke-free for a better, healthier life.Stay positive Know your triggers Take up a new hobby/activity Don’t give up Please Like Us On FacebookIf you are a Facebook user please "Like" us. Just click the box below and you can join. Sometimes we post special deals just for our fans!You can also follow our blog on our office website at From there you can just click the . blog button. In addition, thanks for opting in to receive this newsletter digitally rather than by mail. It will help us to save paper and resources, thereby protecting the environment. Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to anyone that you know who might be interested in the information. Stay Healthy!
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