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Mountain West Wellness Health Tips, Issue #025
June 18, 2014

Welcome and thanks in advance for reading our Summer newsletter. We know that you are busy so we will keep it short. In this issue there is some exciting news about Chinese herbs and some big hospitals, a new treatment modality we are offering, and a special gift just for our newsletter subscribers! We hope you enjoy it.

Chinese Herbal Medicine Goes Mainstream!

The Wall Street Journal, in April 2014, featured an article about the Cleveland Clinic’s recently opened herbal therapy center. A top hospital in the U.S., they now are prescribing herbal remedies used in Chinese medicine. While herbal medicine usage is centuries old in China and Europe, its use is comparatively new in the United States. Galina Roofener, an herbalist at the Cleveland clinic, acknowledges that Western medicine is highly effective with acute care cases but is struggling with chronic care cases. Alternative therapies appear to “fill in that gap” including herbal therapy and acupuncture, which are offered at the hospital’s Center for Integrative Medicine.
Referrals for herbal consultations are growing and coming from diverse specialties including neurology, oncology, gastroenterology and rheumatology. The increased acceptance of herbal therapy is welcome news for patients as it offers them another treatment option, one with very few side effects. It is exciting that there is more openness to combining Eastern and Western based treatments. After all, quality patient care should be the priority of all practitioners and the more “people on the team” the better!
Amid all the excitement, it is important to remember that herbs are medicine and should only be prescribed by trained professionals. There are literally thousands of herbs that are combined to create effective and safe formulas. It requires diligent study to know what these herbs are, what effect they have and how they interact with Western medications.
Luckily for the patients at Mountain West Wellness, Jack has acquired this knowledge and is highly skilled at creating customized herbal formulas. We have a full-range pharmacy at the clinic where the individualized formulas are created and prescribed, alone or in conjunction with acupuncture treatments.

Painless Laser-Needle Acupuncture

We know kids are afraid of needles, so we are excited to announce that Mountain West Wellness now has Painless Laser Needle Acupuncture! We immediately thought of you as this form of treatment is especially beneficial for children or anyone who is afraid or sensitive to needles!
The benefits of laser are multi-faceted, but most importantly they produce no sensation of pain, no heat and do not harm to the skin. In fact, most people don’t even feel the laser beam!
So how does it work? Laser light penetrates the 3 layers of skin immediately stimulating the nerves. Within a short time micro-circulation is improved thus bringing increased oxygen and blood flow to the area stimulated by the laser. Laser light has been shown to regenerate cells, decrease pain reduce inflammation and improve circulation. This type of treatment resembles traditional acupuncture in its effectiveness but without the use of needles, and can be used on Traditional Acu-points and areas of injury.
The next time your children have health issues, such as allergies, colds, stomach flu or bumps and bruises, please give us a call and give Painless Laser Needle Acupuncture a try.
Just bring a copy of this newsletter in for ½ off a laser acupuncture treatment. You can even pass to a friend or family member who has children.
*This 1/2 offer expires August 1, 2014

Referral Gift

For the rest of June 2014 we have a little gift for our newsletter subscribers. If you refer someone in and they make their first appointment before July 1 2014 we will give you a gift card to a local business to say thanks. Just have the person you refer tell us that they were referred by you and that is it. We will give you the gift card and a big "Thanks!" Your support is really important to us as we have built this entire clinic on word of mouth - not advertising.

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Please feel free to forward this newsletter on to anyone that you know who might be interested in the information.

Stay Healthy!

Jack, Kim, and Lynn

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