Welcome to our November Issue. In this issue we have two great articles, the first is about how to by healthy body care products and what to watch out for. The second is an article about lung health in the autumn with a great recipe for a lung nourishing soup. We also have an offer - we will trade treatments for toys in our Toys for Tots drive. Read below for more info.
December Toys for Tots Drive
This holiday season we are asking you to help us give your friends and loved ones a chance to get healthy and help children in need by making a donation to our toy drive. In exchange, you will have a chance to win free acupuncture treatments and we will send your friends or loved ones a gift on your behalf that includes:
*A Gift Certificate for a $50.00 consultation and ½ off 1st office visit.
*A beautiful holiday greeting card.
*A letter explaining the gift.
Simply bring, or email us the address(es) of the people you would like us to mail the card to. We will address the envelopes, provide the postage and mail them for you. There is no limit to the number of these that you can have sent. As a thank you, we will enter you in a drawing for 3 Free office visits .There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit
Our toy drive is in conjunction with the Boulder Police Department and their Share-A-Gift Toy Drive.
This toy donation program has been in operation since 1972 and serves low income families who reside within the Boulder Valley School District. Each year over 600 families are helped totaling between 1,500 and 2,000 children.
In support of this program we will have a collection box located at the office beginning November 14th for new and gently used toys for children from birth to age 14. On the back of this letter you will find a complete Wish List of requested toys. Money donations are also welcome, as well as volunteering your time in the toy collection effort. The deadline for the toy drop off is Tuesday, December 13th.
If you know someone whose health is suffering, including any of the following conditions: headaches, fatigue, insomnia, pain, digestive trouble, infertility, or other stress-related conditions, help us to help them! Sharing the amazing benefits of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is an awesome gift to give this holiday season, and as a bonus, many deserving children will benefit from your generosity. Please help us fulfill our purpose of helping as many people as we can get healthy, help your friends and family get healthy, and help us support the Share-A-Gift Toy Drive!!
Happy Holidays!
What to Watch for In Body Care Products
A topic that has been coming up a lot around our clinic has been safe body care products. Many people seem to be concerned about just what is safe, but don't know how to decide. The following are a few little tips that can be helpful to you.
First, with regard to organic body care products the only organic labeling that you can count on is the USDA certified organic label. Cosmetics are regulated differently than foods and many products call themselves organic, but truly aren't.
Second is to avoid the use of triclosan. This substance is used a lot in antibacterial products. The first problem is that it can actually increase the numbers of super bacteria by simply not killing everything. The bacteria that survive and their progeny become more and more powerful. Next it is an endocrine disruptor, and may interfere with normal functioning of your thyroid hormone and estrogen. It’s associated with allergies and can become contaminated with dioxin, a known carcinogen. In addition triclosan stores itself in fat and steadily accumulates in your body fat.
Third, avoid sodium laurel sulfate, a surfactant that when combined with nitrosamines is a cancer causing chemical. This substance cleans by corrosion and dries skin by stripping the protective lipids from the surface so it can't effectively regulate moisture. A University of Georgia Medical College study, indicated that SLS penetrated into the eyes as well as brain, heart, liver, etc., and showed long-term retention in the tissues. The study also indicated that SLS penetrated young children's eyes and prevented them from developing properly and caused cataracts to develop In adults. It may cause hair loss by attacking the follicle. SLS is classified as a drug in bubble baths because it eats away skin protection and causes rashes and infection to occur and is potentially harmful to skin and hair. Another extremely serious problem is the connection of SLS with nitrate contamination. SLS reacts with many types of ingredients used in skin products and forms nitrosomines (nitrates). Nitrates are potential cancer-causing carcinogenics.
Fourth is to avoid the use of dioxane which causes cancer.
Fifth is to avoid the use of parabens which estrogen mimic. According to the lead researcher of the
recent study, in Edinburgh, these preservative chemicals form are found in 18 of
the 20 tumors tested in the study. This indicated that they originated from something applied to the skin, the most likely candidates being deodorants,
antiperspirants, creams, or body sprays.
Sixth is to avoid products containing propylene glycol, aka antifreeze. This is put in many body care products as a preservative. This substance can lead to liver and kidney problems.
Seventh, avoid chemical fragrances. Most chemical fragrances are highly allergenic and toxic. They often use multiple chemicals as carriers and when inhaled go straight into our sensate mucous membranes and lungs.
This may sound like a lot, but it really is only a small drop in the bucket. Many body care products are made from petroleum products and more. Just read the labels and keep these things in mind. There are lots of great safe and effective products out there.guidelines - usda certified, non toxic, no animal testing, no alcohol preservatives, no petrochemical
Autumn and Lung Health
Autumn is upon us signaling the time when we begin to slow our bodies down and focus our attention inward. Summer has come to a close and hopefully we have gathered the necessary Qi from eating a diet full of healthy fruits & vegetables to sustain us throughout the cold winter months.
Autumn is also the season that corresponds to the lungs according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition, each organ system also corresponds to emotional states and in the Autumn feelings of sadness and grief may be apparent which is natural and in direct correspondence to the lungs.
Physically, the lungs not only take in oxygen, but they also extract Qi from the air which is then converted into energy that is used to nourish our bodies. The cycle of inhaling and exhaling circulates this Qi which builds the immune system and helps protect the body from external elements such as wind, cold and damp.
Autumn also signals the beginning of the cold season so it is especially important to build healthy lung functioning that can serve as a protector against coughs and colds. One way to do this is by nurturing your body with foods that correspond to Autumn such as, apples, clementines, pears, avocados, beets, squash, cabbage, kidney & lentil beans, almonds, pecans, walnuts and pumpkin and flax seeds.
In addition, incorporate this Dry Cough Pear & Almond Soup into your diet which is very beneficial in enhancing the Lung function and preventing the dry coughs.
Pear & Almond Soup for Dry Cough
5 ripe pears
4 handfuls of walnuts
fresh mint leaves
2 quarts of water
Cut pears in half and remove stem and seeds. Chop into small pieces, Place four handfuls of almonds and fruit in water. Bring to boil, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Add honey and mint to taste. Drink one to two cups daily.
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Stay Healthy!
Jack & Kim
and all of our interns!